Huron County Junior Fair Links

Huron County Junior Fair Information Fair Entries
Livestock Sale Information Livestock Identification Information
Barrow Carcass Program Livestock Judges
Skillathon Quality Assurance


The 2025 Huron County Fair will be held August 11 - 16, 2025

Visit their website at


Huron County Junior Fair Information


2025 Junior Fair Rule Book

2025 Junior Fair Letter 

2025 Requirements Letters

2025 DUNF Form Link - becomes live within a week of the Huron County Fair

  • Livestock exhibitors must submit a completed, signed electronic Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF), one per MARKET animal, except one per pen for market poultry and market rabbits, when they come to the fair. DUNF must be completed by the animal’s weigh-in. Completed DUNF must be submitted for all market cattle, feeder calves, market goats, market swine, market lambs, market turkeys, chicken meat pens, rabbit meat pens, lactating dairy cattle & lactating dairy goats. 
  • The DUNF must be accurate and valid for the day the animal enters the fairgrounds. Failure to complete a required DUNF will make the exhibitor ineligible for competition at the 2024 Huron County Junior Fair. Any required animal not covered by a completed DUNF will not be penned. It will be sent home unless a proper DUNF is completed. 
  • Those of you with animals who get tagged/identified at the fair (Market Swine, Market Turkeys) will not know your tag number yet. Please wait and fill this form out when your animal gets tagged. Otherwise, you can fill out this form now. There will be an opportunity to fill the form out at check in at fair for those who need it.
  • Market Chickens do not get leg banded. Please write NA for the identification number.
  • Once your form has been submitted, you will receive an email receipt. This will need to be shown at check in at fair for proof of completion. 
  • A DUNF must be resubmitted if ANY medication is administered to ANY animal during the fair, even if a DUNF was not required for that animal at check-in. 

This is a Legally Binding Document. Please fill out carefully and accurately!

Fair Entries




Fair Entry

Help for submitting Fair Entries:

Fair Entry System Information Sheet

Resources for Exhibitor Entries 

4-H Family How to do entries on Fair Entry Video 

Making Entries Video

Livestock Sale Information

2025 Huron County Jr. Fair Sale Order Click Here For Order

List of Livestock Buyers Buyers are listed alphabetically Click Here for List

Required Thank you Note for Sales

Submission Guidelines

  • Notes must be turned in unsealed, as we will be checking them to ensure they meet quality standards. An example of a well-written thank-you note and instructions for addressing the envelope are attached.

  • Please submit your thank-you notes by September 5. Failure to do so will result in your sale check being held.

  • Make sure your thank-you card has a stamp, your full name on the return address (to identify you), and the buyer's full name and address.


Ways to Submit Your Thank-You Notes

  • Drop them off at the Extension Office (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday).

  • Bring them to the Junior Fair Office during leftover project pick-up on Thursday, September 4 (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.).

  • Mail them in a cover envelope addressed to: OSU Extension, 180 Milan Ave. Suite 1, Norwalk, OH 44857.


Additional Reminders

  • If you received an award, we also encourage you to write a thank-you note to your award sponsors. You can find the address label to your award sponsor struck to the bottom or back of your award. We’ve lost sponsors in the past because they didn’t feel appreciated, so please make sure to express your gratitude.

  • Thank-you cards are available for purchase at the Junior Fair Office for $1 each.

Barrow Carcass Program

Please see the forms and applications page for the Barrow Carcass Program. Applications are Due May 1, 2025.

Program Information can be found here and in the requirements letters.


For information and study guide please click here.


Livestock Identification Information


Market Cattle 

All market cattle will be tagged with EID tags. Cattle that already have EID tags are not required to attend tagging on December 2nd, but are required to upload Identification to 4-H Online. Cattle chosing not to come, will not be eligible for rate of gain. All others must be brought to the fairgrounds on Saturday, December 2, 2023 between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Market cattle will be weighed and tagged on a first come, first served basis.

Animal ID for Market Cattle that already have EID tags submitted in 4-HOnline - Due December 7, 2024 for 2025
        A maximum of four beef animals (any combination of beef steers and beef heifers) and/or four dairy steers per exhibitor may be weighed and tagged.

Feeder Calves

Must be tagged and vaccinated on 
        Exhibitors may tag up to four beef feeder calves (steers or heifers)
        and/or four dairy beef feeders calves (steers only)
        and/or four dairy cross feeder calves (steers or heifers)

Pictures and informaton need uploaded to 4-HOnline. Click here for instructions to upload. 

Beef Breeding

Pictures and informaton need uploaded to 4-HOnline. Click here for instructions to upload. 

Sheep and Goat (Breeding and Market)

Pictures and informaton need uploaded to 4-HOnline. Click here for instructions to upload. 
        A maximum of four dairy market kids.
        A maximum of four meat market kids.
        A maximum of six market lambs.

Swine (Market and State Fair Breeding)

Pictures and informaton need uploaded to 4-HOnline. Click here for instructions to upload. 
        A maximum of four market hogs.
        Those selected to participate in the barrow carcass porgram may identify two additonal hogs.


For all grade and non-family registered cattle – A completed identification must be submitted on 4-HOnline for each potential dairy exhibit.  Click here for instructions to upload.

Registered animals, in the family name or official lease in the exhibitor’s name – Provide registration papers on Sunday at the fair in the barns at the stalls after the Exhibitor’s Meeting at 3:00 p.m. Registration papers must be in the family name or an official lease in the exhibitor’s name, with the date by May 15 of current year.

Rabbits (Market and Breeding)

Must be tattooed on  

Meat rabbits must have individual tattoos in the left ear. Tattoos may be by family. If more than 12 rabbits per family are brought to the tattoo clinic,they must already have their private tattoos. Click here for instructions to upload. 


Turkeys and Non Meat Chickens

Pictures and informaton need uploaded to 4-HOnline. Click here for instructions to upload. 

Meat Chickens

Pictures and informaton need uploaded to 4-HOnline. Click here for instructions to upload. 

Livestock Judges


2024 Huron County Junior Fair Livestock Judges

Show Date Time Judge's Name
Rabbits Mon, Aug 12 8:30 a.m. Ashley Sweeney
Rabbit Showmanship Mon, Aug 12 8:30 a.m.  
Poultry Showmanship Mon, Aug 12 3:30 p.m. David Adkins
Turkeys Tues, Aug 14 9:00 a.m. David Adkins
Dairy Beef Tues, Aug 14 9:00 a.m. Hadley LeVan
Poultry Tues, Aug 14 2:30 p.m. David Adkins
Swine Showmanship Tues, Aug 14 5:30 p.m. Jada Johnson
Swine Wed, Aug 15 9:00 a.m. Trevor Kirkpatrick
Beef Cattle Wed, Aug 15 3:00 p.m. Noah Skrinjar
Dairy Goats Thurs, Aug 16 9:00 a.m. Jim Wilson
Pygmy, Fiber, Rec Goats Thurs, Aug 16   Jim Wilson
Sheep Thurs, Aug 16 9:00 a.m. David Rowe
Meat Goats Thurs, Aug 16 5:00 p.m. Kent Davidson
Dairy Cattle Fri, Aug 17 9:00 a.m. Grant Cope


Quality Assurance 


All Junior Fair livestock exhibitors, except those with horses or breeding rabbits  must be certified in livestock quality assurance (QA).  Those who tested out of QA in a previous year may not have to complete any additional training this year.  (See Test Out Option, below).  QA certification is required to exhibit livestock at the county or state fair.

County QA Deadline: June 1


Exhibitors, age 15 - 18 (as of January 1), may "test out" of QA permanently.  Exhibitors, ages 12 - 14 (as of January 1), may "test out" of QA for oup to three years, or until they turn 15.  The QA test is a 50 question, multiple-choice test for either large livestock (beef, sheep, swine, dairy and goats) or small livestock (poultry and rabbits).  The test is offered by Agricultural Education Instructors throughout the county.  The passing grade is 70%.  Exhibitors may only take the test one time each year.  If a passing score is not received, the exhibitor must attend a QA Training session.  The test questions are written by OSU Animal Science personnel.  4-H and FFA members who decide to try the "test out" option must make an appointment with an Ag Science teacher at one of the following schools:  Monroeville (Scott Bauer), Western Reserve (Lindsay McKown), New London (Megan Riley), Willard (Tiffany Nuhfer), Bellevue (Jeff Karcher).  The test out option is not offered at South Central.  Students in schools not  offering the test out option may still take advantage of the opportunity by making an appointment with an Ag Science teacher at another school or the Extension Office.


QA sessions will still be held throughout the county.  An exhibitor may receive credit for QA this year by attending any one of the Quality Assurance Training sessions in Huron County. This is the only option for exhibitors, ages 8 - 11 (as of January 1). Participants arriving late for any session will be turned away

2025 Livestock Quality Assurance Trainings

Date Time Location                

Junior Fair exhibitors who participate and receive credit for a state-wide Quality Assurance training program will also receive credit for Huron County.  (Example:  Quality Assurance Training at Beef Expo).  Those participating in a state-wide training must provide the Extension Office with a copy of their certification for the year, before the June 1st. deadline.


If you are unable to attend one of the Huron County Sessions, you can complete the online training at for a fee of $12/youth. Youth may complete the online YQCA course. This is the only approved online course. Youth must complete the correct course for their 4-H age. If youth plan to do this, please contact so that we are sure to receive the correct completion information and can assure that youth select the correct course.