Youth are expected to affiliate with the 4-H program in their county of residence. However, in some circumstances, it is appropriate for a youth to participate in a county other than their county residence. This can be done with the approval of the 4-H professionals in both the county of residence and the county of request. Once granted, the permission for membership across county lines shall be permanent and stable for the duration of the youth's 4-H membership.
Click here for the form and policy.
The member (or parent) fills out the form and turns it in at the Huron County Extension Office. Our 4-H educator and the 4-H Educator from the county of residence discuss the reasons given and decide if the request should be granted. Decisions are based on what is best for the child. Under no circumstances may a member belong to 4-H in more than one county.
PLEASE NOTE: The request for cross county membership must be made 30 days prior to the 4-H membership enrollment deadline of the county being requested. The means in Huron County all Across County Lines forms MUST be turned in by April 1 because the Huron County Enrollment deadline is May 1!
NOTE: If a county does not fund OSU Extension, the following state policy takes effect:
"If county financial support for Ohio State University Extension ceases to exist, 4-H membership status already established in that county will end on the date the funding ends. 4-H membership of youth, residing in a county that has lost funding, who have pre-established cross-county line 4-H membership agreements in place will be permitted to continue participation in their non-resident county through December 31 of the 4-H membership year."